The Stanza Marvel

As I prepare to embark on the delectable journey that my new bride’s fish tacos bring to one’s palate, I’m reminded of the numerous queries we’ve received about the overdue Stanza update. It’s incredible how genuinely interested people are in Stanza, and they notice when we’re three days late with a bi-weekly post. With over 2,000  visitors checking the Stanza website for updates every month, it’s evident that our project has caught the attention of many.

This is Taylor, and usually I steer clear of writing things that people will actually read. But hey, with recent achievements less flavorful than fish tacos and more akin to unsalted potatoes, I feel compelled to share some thoughts about Stanza’s overall progress.Waiting on things that can’t be rushed, such as acquiring a Dun and Bradstreet number for our Apple Developer account, might seem mundane. However, we are left with little victories that, upon reflection, reveal exciting progress and sprinkles of divine blessings.

First off, did the Stanza guys just fall together like puzzle pieces? It’s remarkable how each member seems to have found their place, with talent shining in every area we’ve needed so far. Of course, we’ve learned along the way, and there has been compromise and collaboration required.

And let’s talk about the fantastic support from the people! We’re just a random group of young guys, yet we were trusted with over $50,000 in contributions within a mere three months of forming.

Let me tell you about our first hire – a programmer to develop the IOS version from our Figma concept. This developer from Ukraine aced the test project in record time, and when we discussed hiring him hourly, he offered a rate lower than what we had paid for the test project. His communication has been excellent, and his work has been top-notch. So far, he has logged 144 hours since June 3.

All these happenings along the way lead me to believe that this project is more than just a mere man-made endeavor. It’s incredibly motivational and inspiring for us at Stanza. Who would’ve thought that God might care about an app that streams digital sheet music? It sure seems like He does, and that inspires us to continue as He deems fit.

As for actual progress since July 1st, we agreed it’s “almost a stretch” to say the IOS version is in the testing and bug-fixing state.  Maybe it’s better described as a rough draft taking shape. The Android version is getting mocked up, and we’re on the lookout for a programmer who can work their magic, much like our Ukrainian programmer did for the IOS version.

Admittedly, progress might seem slow at times, but when we step back and look at the bigger picture, it’s nothing short of amazing! We remain accountable to progress and promise to keep you updated with our posts. It is possible that we may start posting every three weeks instead of two as progress is technical and not providing much to write about.  Oh, and by the way, Kirby is getting married on August 6th – so yeah, of course we will be traveling to Kansas to eat, drink and be married.

We wholeheartedly welcome your questions about any aspect of the app, Stanza Music Inc, or anything else that piques your curiosity. Our aim is to be transparent about Stanza and ensure you understand the reasons behind our decisions. Feel free to post your questions in the comments, reach out to us via the Contact form, or send a personal message to one of us.


One response to “The Stanza Marvel”

  1. VwH Avatar

    “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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