“I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter”

Hello, this is Kent Friesen coming to you from the windy and somewhat miserable climes of Northern California. We have nothing of substance to write about in the blog post today, but someone has to come up with something to keep you all from looking at worse forms of social media for five minutes.

What I should be working on is a system to print checks for authors, and a contract generation system—which is mostly done—but instead I just want to crack jokes onto a piece of paper like one of those organic free range eggs gets cracked into a frying pan in your favorite brunch place in Lower Manhattan.

Those two things I just mentioned are pretty much what’s keeping us from starting to beta test the app. So, me writing this post is keeping you from your precious sheet music.

There are many other things we need to do, like “standardizing our software to run on best-of-breed open source solutions to support multi-cloud environments.” What that actually means for us is “How are we going to get our product from 10 users to 1000?” This is a technical challenge I have only begun to think about. It has its own set of challenges that are completely separate from actually making a prototype that works.

The addition of songs continues apace, with a staggering 1,301 songs entered at the time of this writing.

I’ve also been asked about whether we are going to add old songs to our collection. The answer is “it’s on the roadmap.” We don’t know how long it will take to get to a place where we can start to approach large copyright companies and procure commercial rights to songs from famous artists like Mosie Lister, (Fun fact: my MacBook Air was a MacBook Airhead and corrected Mosie to Rosie) Albert E. Brumley, Joe E. Parks, and all the others that you know and love from your childhood.

Well, I think that scratches my “desire-for-attention” itch now. Maybe I can go off and do some code while you read some mildly entertaining drivel.

P.S. I may have lied about the climes of Northern California being “miserable”. I managed to go on a 1 ¼ mile walk and didn’t get frostbite, so the climes of Northern California are actually pretty nice.


4 responses to ““I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter””

  1. Jordan Smith Avatar
    Jordan Smith

    Hey keep up the good work! In other words make an app for Android b4 Apple 😁 jk… Looking forward to the finished product. How’s the financial side of the project looking?

  2. caleb Avatar

    totally awesome…cant wait, u guys r lit

  3. London Avatar

    Too Bad you aren’t in Chicago today!!
    It’s Beautiful and Sunny here!!

  4. Shelton Avatar

    Enjoyed the article! 😄

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