Early Access

   The time has come. We are nearing the culmination of a year and a half of dreaming and working. The goal for which we so long have striven is close at hand. The portal stands before us, daring us forward if we would venture bravely forth into that great unknown. In other words, Stanza is about to be released.

   Anyway, as was stated in the last blog post, we want to release the app to a wider group of people before we launch it fully. We want to test our system and make sure it works with lots of users at once and so forth. We decided that the best people to bring on board would be our high donors; specifically, those of you who donated $75 or more. Obviously, you are passionate about the project and want to see it get off the ground, and we want to reward your donations and your patience. As has been stated, only those of you with an iOS device will be able to access Stanza for now. However, if you are an Android user and you own an iPad or your spouse owns an iPhone, you can access it that way. We have compiled a list of eligible donors, and Kent will be sending out an email to each of you with more information on getting access to Stanza. Due to this weekend being quite busy, we’re going to wait to send out the emails until Tuesday morning. If you are eligible for early access and do not receive an email, please contact us and we will try to set you up. 

   Equally exciting is that after we start early access, full release is not far away! It may be within a month. It mostly depends on whether we run into any significant issues with having lots of active users. We’re also still tweaking and optimizing a few things. I personally can’t wait to get Stanza into your hands! It has been amazing to watch it grow and grow in design and functionality. It is now working at quite a high level, and it feels like a real app! It’s quite surreal to navigate around and create collections and build up your library and discover new songs when you realize that this app did not exist a year ago. It’s been humbling to tag along on such a cool project, and I really think that you guys are going to love Stanza.

   A few other things have been happening in the past three weeks. Kent has been doing his best to integrate the Song Index data into our search feature and get it to work properly. Having the ability to search a database of over 30 thousand songs will be a huge feature for Stanza, even if we don’t have all those songs yet. The guys have also been finishing up work on the printing feature, collections, and search optimization. Since full release is coming soon, we’re trying to perfect the app logo design as well, which can be a heated discussion at times. All told, we are very nearly ready for launch.

   Then there’s the piece of breaking news that we just received a few hours ago: our accountant, Joel, is getting married! We’re happy for him and we wish him well. 

   Thanks again for your interest in Stanza! Watch for those early access emails and wait breathlessly for news of the full release. Till then.


5 responses to “Early Access”

  1. Randy Nightengale Avatar
    Randy Nightengale


  2. Jordan Smith Avatar
    Jordan Smith

    Hey keep it up! Looking forward to the day of the Android app!

    1. Kaden Toews Avatar

      Aren’t we all, Jordan. Aren’t we all.

      1. Kirby Koehn Avatar
        Kirby Koehn

        Well, are we all? 😏 

  3. Jared K Avatar
    Jared K

    Bring it on!

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