Author Signups, Admin Panels, and A Wedding

   Greetings and salutations from the Stanza team–your resident makers of fine sheet music streaming apps. This blog post comes after three weeks because, to quote the last blog post: “progress is technical and not providing much to talk about.” There are, however, a few items of interest.

   Perhaps the most exciting news is that we have authors signing our contract! It’s taken a long time to perfect the contract and the signup process, so we are excited to finally get names on paper (virtual paper, that is). We don’t feel to tell you their names, but you can rest assured that Stanza will be a library full of high-quality songs.

   Last weekend most of us were together again, this time to celebrate the wedding of Kirby Koehn and Savanna Unruh. It was a fine gathering. The groom was handsome, the bride was beautiful, the sermon was touching, and the choir was exquisite (if I do say so myself). It was a very fun weekend filled with singing (SO much singing) and laughter and good discussions about poetry, music, Stanza, and many other things. So Kirby is now happily married and we’re happy for both of them.

   A lot of the discussion that has happened in the past while has involved getting the admin panel to work properly. After much tinkering, it sounds like they have it mostly working. As a lowly Android user I can’t see the iOS test app, but apparently when a song is put into the admin panel it shows up in the app, which is exactly what we need it to do. However, our current admin panel, which was built by our current coder and tweaked by Kent, is only a rough outline of what we need it to be. We want an admin panel that looks good, is simple for all of us to navigate and use, and will provide us easy access to all the information we need about authors, songs, user subscriptions, payouts, etc. Taylor has designed a better admin panel and Kent just hired another developer to build it and make it awesome.

   Although our website says that we have achieved our donation goal, we are still accepting donations! Professional coding is not cheap and we have already spent a lot of money. We don’t know what the end cost of Stanza will be, but we will likely need money for some time to come. Good things don’t come cheap, and we all want Stanza to be the best app that it can possibly be. Visit our Donate page to continue supporting this endeavor.

   That’s it for the updates this time. I believe we will continue to publish every three weeks unless things start happening more rapidly. We still welcome your comments, questions, or concerns at any time.


13 responses to “Author Signups, Admin Panels, and A Wedding”

  1. Brendan Giesbrecht Avatar
    Brendan Giesbrecht

    Is this Kent?

  2. Brendan Giesbrecht Avatar
    Brendan Giesbrecht

    Why aren’t there any comments ?

  3. Brendan Giesbrecht Avatar
    Brendan Giesbrecht

    This place is kind of lonely

  4. Brendan Giesbrecht Avatar
    Brendan Giesbrecht

    You should make stanza a everything app for Mennonites

    1. Anonymous Avatar


  5. Brendan Giesbrecht Avatar
    Brendan Giesbrecht

    You could add all the WhatsApp features, a Venmo equivalent but with automatic tithing, a church streaming service, an online yearbook, a proposal service where you could send a proposal and it would only go through if it was approved by a staff member, an election service where all verified members of a congregation could vote online, online engagement announcements, real time ball game ratings so you would know if it was worth going, universal location sharing so if you were at an airport or in a big city you could see if there were any other mennonites there, and a marketplace feature for selling goods and services

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Brendan I think telegram is already the everything app for mennonites lol

    1. Brendan Giesbrecht Avatar
      Brendan Giesbrecht

      Is this you Andrew?

  7. Brian Dyck Avatar
    Brian Dyck

    I would like to know more about the stanza app?

    1. Kaden Toews Avatar

      Hi Brian! Thanks for your interest. Our previous posts-especially the first one- contain lots of information about Stanza. If you have a more specific question, we will be glad to answer it.

      1. Who Avatar

        Like the professionalism

        1. Anonymous Avatar

          Same thoughts. These guys are doing excellent work with this Stanza project.

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