Song Entry and Other Progress

   We apologize for the lateness of this blog post. Last weekend some of us were together and it was a very busy time.

   Progress is being made! Several of the authors who signed up their songs have sent us all of their PDFs, so we have been preparing them for Stanza and then entering them into our database. It’s pretty cool to enter a song’s information and PDF on the admin page, then go to the test app and be able to see it and interact with it. It’s a visual and sensory representation of the work that has been accomplished. 

   There are several things that need to be done with each song that gets entered. The title, first line, and first line of the chorus need to be carefully entered and checked for errors. The copyright information needs to be recorded, and a category or categories need to be selected. Then the song’s book and song number need to be attached. Naturally, the most important part of the process is to attach a PDF of the song. You can be assured that Stanza PDFs will be of the best quality. We’re not scanning these songs in with our phones. We have been getting the same native PDF files that a book is printed from after it leaves the typesetter.

   Some of the entry process has been streamlined by our resident coder, but the simple fact is that lots and lots of time will have to be sunk into entering songs into the Stanza library. We are still refining the process, but once we have it smooth enough we will probably start outsourcing some of that song entry work to people outside our team.

   In other news, we ended the contract with our original coder and have hired another coder to work for us. He has been doing well, and we are enthused about having him on board.

   We don’t always have a lot to write about in this blog, so you can feel free to reach out to us if there’s something more you’d like us to talk more about in a post. As always, we are open to your questions, comments, and concerns at any time.


One response to “Song Entry and Other Progress”

  1. Linda Unruh Avatar
    Linda Unruh

    Will be fun to see this come together!

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