We Forgot About This Post

   You might think that the launch of Stanza iOS and all of the subsequent excitement of watching our subscriber counts climb would have been enough to make us have this blog post written well in advance of this weekend, full of enthusiasm and news. I guess life gets in the way. One of us blog writers has been busy setting up for school and trying to settle in among a large number of new people and the other has been attending a wedding this weekend. So the blog post slipped through the cracks. Until now. 

   For starters, a huge thank you to each and every one who has chosen to subscribe to Stanza thus far! We really appreciate the support and confidence. We know that our song selection is still quite limited, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to work on getting permissions and adding songs. The guys tell me our song count is around 1400 right now, and that’s a fraction of where we want to be. We want to continue to add value to the subscription and make it more and more worth it to be subscribed. Kent has been doing work on the admin panel to make it easier for us to upload songs and their attendant information, so the song adding should continue to get faster.

    Another reason we appreciate your subscriptions is that we need to continue to pay our coders. The Android app is close to beta testing but still requires work. Both app versions will need continuous improvement. Unfortunately, Apple’s process for getting us the subscription money is very delayed, so we are quite short on cash right now. But once things catch up, the subscription money will pretty much be the only thing supporting the continuous operation of Stanza. We appreciate it. 

   In more exciting news, we are in talks with PrairieView Press to get access to a large number of songs from them! We have been thinking for a while that a collaboration would be beneficial, so we’re trying to work out a satisfactory business relationship. We’ll keep you posted as that develops. 

   We also have been in contact with the owners of PDHymns.com and we have received permission from them to use all of their public domain songs on Stanza in exchange for a small watermark on the files that we get from them. For this we are very grateful! It seems there will be a lot of old hymns on Stanza, which I think is awesome. 

   Thanks again for your support of Stanza, and thanks for your patience as we continue to make improvements. Just a reminder, we are still selling cups on the website for only $24.99, so get yours while they last! Til next time.


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