Android Beta and Other News

   Welcome back to another update about what is going on in the world of Stanza! This writer continues to be busy with school and its attendant brain space requirements, but the other guys have been putting in a lot of work to make Stanza better and better. I’ll do my best to fill you in from the sidelines.

   First, and most importantly, we finally got the Android beta app pushed out to our donors for testing! This is a crucial step in the rollout of Stanza for Android. The beta testers will help us find any bugs and squash them, and will also be giving us general feedback on how the app works. We are excited at how far the Android app has come, and we look forward to its full release along with you. 

   For the past few weeks, the guys have mostly been working on getting songs uploaded and generally doing a lot of behind the scenes work with all of the song data. We are currently up over 2,100 approved songs! We again thank you for your patience as we work to make your subscriptions more and more valuable. We are currently still negotiating with PrairieView Press for a bunch of their songs and data.

   There has also been a lot of talk the last while about the best way to do projector mode and get it working well so that we can roll it out to everyone. We want projector singing to be easy and convenient with Stanza, so we’re trying to do it right. The way we’re thinking of doing it will require us to go through every song we have, so that will naturally take quite a bit of time. We will keep you updated on how that unfolds.

   Another piece of good news is that we finally got the first month of our subscriber money from Apple! This is great because our coffers were quite low there for a while. Thank you to all those who have donated recently. We have really appreciated your continued support. Our coders are still working hard, and hard work isn’t cheap. 

   On that subject, there will be an update for Stanza iOS going out sometime soon with some new features. We are adding a button for users to be able to report incorrect song info or other issues that you notice. We are also adding different ways to browse and sort books and songs, as well as the ability to print collections. Stay tuned for news of the release.

   Now, before I sign off, we need to talk about the future of this blog. At some point in the future we will no longer have a scheduled blog post. As you’ve probably noticed already, interesting news is a little sparse these days, and there really won’t be much to talk about after Stanza for Android is released. However, we will post updates whenever we feel it is necessary, like when we add an exciting new feature to Stanza or reach an important milestone. But that’s all in the future. We’ll see how it goes.

   Thanks again for your support of and interest in Stanza.


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