Frequently asked questions

Have questions? Here are some of our thoughts.

When can I signup to beta test the Stanza app?

While we are already using and testing the iOS version, it is simply not ready for beta testing. We will provide updates about the progress of the app in our blog post updates.

Will songs be posted to this website or the app only?

We plan to post songs only on the Stanza mobile app. This website was developed to introduce our idea to the public.

How will the app be sold?

We plan to offer a monthly or yearly subscription to our users in exchange for unlimited access to all songs on the Stanza mobile app.

What songs will be available on Stanza?

Every song we can get permission to sell. If you are an author of already published music and would consider letting Stanza monetize your work, please fill out our Signup form.

Is Stanza Music Inc a non-profit?

Stanza Music Inc was organized for a non-profit purpose, but we are not a registered 501(c)(3) organization. The decision to organize in this manner related to the limitations and requirements of staying in compliance as a federally recognized non-profit and the minimal advantages it offered us.