Blog Post Updates

  • “I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter”

    Hello, this is Kent Friesen coming to you from the windy and somewhat miserable climes of Northern California. We have nothing of substance to write about in the blog post today, but someone has to come up with something to keep you all from looking at worse forms of social media for five minutes. What…

  • New Year Update

       Greetings to all, and happy new year from the team here at Stanza! It’s been a busy Christmas season, but we’re still making progress toward our goals. As we enter the long mid-winter months, hopefully we can make use of the lengthy evenings and snowy days to accelerate the process.    We apologize to those who…

  • The Stanza Christmas Post

    Well it’s almost been four weeks since the last post. Words have been flowing onto the page at the same rate molasses flows in December. I would say January, but it turns out that molasses can flow quite quickly in January, up to the tune of “35 miles per hour”—according to Wikipedia, at least. But…