Blog Post Updates

  • Android Beta and Other News

       Welcome back to another update about what is going on in the world of Stanza! This writer continues to be busy with school and its attendant brain space requirements, but the other guys have been putting in a lot of work to make Stanza better and better. I’ll do my best to fill you in…

  • We Forgot About This Post

       You might think that the launch of Stanza iOS and all of the subsequent excitement of watching our subscriber counts climb would have been enough to make us have this blog post written well in advance of this weekend, full of enthusiasm and news. I guess life gets in the way. One of us blog…

  • Stanza for iOS Now Available

    Hey guys, it’s Kent here. Someone at Stanza has been churning out the words for you guys for almost one year and six months. Today, we have something new, something more than words, something that we’ve been wanting to bring to you for a very long time. Our iOS app has passed Apple’s arduous app…